Simply Serious Stories

Cyber safety for children, teachers and parents
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Cyber Safety for children, parents and teachers has never been more important.

Awareness of risks is a major step in reducing serious incidents and driving responsible and enjoyable use of internet and gaming technology.

At Simply Serious Stories, we want to help the process of learning from a young age using Animalogy. You can help by sponsoring books to your partners, customers and into education site.

Why give away a stress ball when you you can reduce risks to children online? 

Check out the books and teaching aids to learn more about safe use of social-networks, chatrooms, mobiles and games as well as sexting, bullying, and radicalization.

Contact us to learn how you can help. 




1. a comparison between an animal and another thing, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification where an analogy is less useful

“an animalogybetween the workings of nature and those of human societies”

2. a thing which is comparable between an animal to something else in significant respects.

“works of nature were seen as an animalogy for cyber risks “

Just want a book for home or want to check them out? Buy now on Amazon….

If you are interested for business….


Want to promote your brand at a show or an event? Use the books to promote good practice for children. Beats a stress ball every time! 


Want to donate to your local school or charity? Donate books to help learning for school children. Free assets for teachers are included! 

Contact us to enquire